Paroisse St. Jean Baptiste Morinville

St. Jean Baptiste Parish, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Paul serves the Roman Catholic Communty of Morinville, Alberta, Canada

First Friday & Saturday

First Friday is on September 6th from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the Basement of the Rectory. First Saturday Mass is at 8:30 AM in the basement of the rectory.

Fall Supper

St. Jean Baptiste parish is once again holding a Fall Supper. This is on Sunday, Oct 6th. If you are able to lend a hand, please contact Noreen at Ticket sales will start the be- ginning of September.

Calling for Volunteers

Calling all designers, carpenters, and/or cabinet makers to assist our parish in designing and building a permanent Donor Recognition tree.

Parish Bulletin

Keep updated about upcoming worship services, and on parish events and ministries

Weekly Reflection

Our lives must demonstrate our belief in Christ.

Today we hear the question that is at the center of the entire Gospel. Who is Jesus, and what does it mean to follow him? We would do well to reflect on this question from time to time. Who do we say that Jesus is, and how do our actions demonstrate this belief? Isaiah prophesies of the servant of the Lord who has not turned his back on the Lord but has given his back to those who beat him, believing that the Lord is his help. In the second reading, James argues that faith without words is dead. In the Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples who they say he is. Peter answers, You are the Christ. Jesus then says that anyone who wishes to fol- low him must take up his cross.

Upcoming Events

Happy Birthday Mother!

This is one of the most ancient Marian feasts. It is thought that this feast originated in connection with the Feast of the dedication of a church dedicated to Mary, now the Church of St Ann, in Jerusalem in the 6th century. Tradition holds that this is where the house of Mary’s parents, Joachim and Ann, stood and where she would have been born. The Feast began to be celebrated in Rome in the 8th century with Pope Sergius I ( + 8 September 701). It is the third such feast of a “nativity” on the Roman Calendar: the Nativity of Jesus, the Son of God (Christmas); the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (24 June); and the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (8 September). Nothing can be found in the Gospels to confirm this feast. They do not even give the names of her parents, which are based on a tradition that stems from the 2nd century Protoevangelium (apocryphal) Gospel of James. The primary event in Mary’s life always remains the Annunciation. The Church looks on her as the Mother of God, but even more so as the disciple who can best offer us an example and model of the Christian life. In her faith, in her obedience to her Son, in the way she made herself a neighbor toward her cousin Elizabeth and to the couple in Cana on their wedding day, Mary is the woman to imitate especially in the trust shown during the darkest moments in the life of Jesus, her Son. Here, and in many other moments, she explains why the people of God know they can find their refuge and comfort, help and protection in her. In Milan, evidence of the celebration of this feast dates back to the 10th century. A cathedral to the “newborn Mary” was consecrated on 20 October 1572 by Saint Charles Borromeo. It was there, on Santa Sofia Street, that a shrine was built that housed a statue of Baby Mary, entrusted to the Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea and Vincenza. Expressing her own personal devotion, a Franciscan nun from Todi, Sister Chiara Isabella Fornari, made several wax statues of the newborn Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes from 1720 to 1730. One of these images was donated in 1739 to the Capuchin Sisters of Blessed Mary of the Angels in Milan. These sisters spread her devotion, which in the Ambrogian tradition found particularly fertile terrain. This institute, along with many other institutions of women religious, was suppressed from 1782 to 1842 due to a decree first promulgated by Emperor Joseph II and then by Napoleon. The statue of Mary was taken by some of the Capuchin sisters to an Augustinian convent, then to the Lateran Canonesses. It was later entrusted to the parish priest, Father Luigi Bosisio, so he could give it to a religious institute that would keep the devotion alive. Finally, the statue ended up in the General House of the Sisters of Charity of Lovere, a religious congregation founded in 1832 by Bartolomea Capitanio. The statue of Baby Mary become so popular there that, even till this day, the sisters of this congregation are popularly known as the Sisters of “Baby Mary”. One story written in a chronicle in 1884 goes like this: “it was 7:00 am on 9 September 1884…. The mother went to the infirmary to visit the sick and, took the holy image from bed to bed to each of the sick sisters so they could kiss it. She reached the postulant, Giulia Macario, who had been gravely ill for a few days. She made an effort to draw near to the Heavenly Baby, and with tender words, asked to be healed. She immediately felt a mysterious tremor throughout her body. ‘I am healed!’ she exclaimed. She got up and began to walk”. Since then, every year on 9 September, the feast of “the day of the miracle” is celebrated. This popular devotion continued to spread due to numerous graces obtained.


A reminder to all Parishioners not to be wandering in the school before or after the Mass. There should not be anyone entering any other sections of the school than the gym.

Mass Timings

Let us work together to make a difference

THIS WEEK: For persons with disabilities – We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation.

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New Building Fund

As we move on and forward towards the rebuilding of St. Jean Baptiste parish church, we will be updating you of the amount donated for the building of the church.

371,746.22 CA

Amount donated as of 31st of October 2023

Thank you for your continuous support and generosity.

Parish Community Announcements

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus Alberta/NWT State Council is holding an online 50-50 draw in support of educational institutes, churches, community charities and youth and senior activities across the province. The minimum prize will be $20,000. draw date is April 27, 2024. Tickets are available at When purchasing please select 05010 St. Anne Morinville in the support of drop down box. AGLC License 671446.

Calling for Volunteers

Calling all designers, carpenters, and/or cabinet makers to assist our parish in designing and building a permanent Donor Recognition tree. This exciting project needs your expertise. For more information please contact Ron Cust at or 780-783-5134

Children's Liturgy Leaders

Children's liturgy runs at 9AM Sunday masses from September to early June. Contact Maryanne at 780-691-5954 for more information