St. Jean Baptiste Parish, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Paul serves the Roman Catholic Communty of Morinville, Alberta, Canada
On Sunday January 26th there will be a Children’s Mass at 10:00 am. Please note there will just be the one Mass that day.
The Chosen Season 3 is being held every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the rectory Basement.
Keep updated about upcoming worship services, and on parish events and ministries
Today’s feast is another “epiphany” - a revelation of who Jesus is. By submitting himself to John’s Baptism (a baptism of repentance), Jesus who is sinless, draws near to sinners and joins himself with them. The voice of the Father saying, You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased consoles us, because we are joined to Christ in baptism are made beloved children of the father. These truths reveal God’s goodness and his unconditional love for us. In today’s first reading, the prophet Isaiah declares that God’s servant will be a light for the nations and will bring forth justice for all. Peter, in the second reading, declares that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. In the Gospel, John announces one mighti- er than himself coming and baptizes Jesus. When Jesus is baptized, the Holy Spirit descends upon him.
Relics of the Canadian Martyrs will be in St. Paul on Jan. 23 as part of a winter tour of Western Canada for the 2025 Jubilee Year. The relics include the skull of St. Jean de Brébeuf, and the bones of both St. Charles Garnier and St. Gabriel Lalemant.
According to Bishop Gary Franken, venerating relics is an ancient Catholic tradition which goes back to the Hebrew Scriptures. In 2 Kings, there is a story of “someone who died a soldier, and he was placed on the on the bones of the prophet Elisha, and that brought him back to life.”
He said the story reflects the pre-Christian understanding and recognition of the bones as a way to connect with the person and “more importantly, and especially with God’s work in that person.
The relics will be exposed in the Cathedral from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. People are invited to come and pray with them during the day. An evening mass which is open to all will follow.
A reminder to all Parishioners not to be wandering in the school before or after the Mass. There should not be anyone entering any other sections of the school than the gym.
For a shared mission—We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co- responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared, among priests, religious and lay peo- ple.
As we move on and forward towards the rebuilding of St. Jean Baptiste parish church, we will be updating you of the amount donated for the building of the church.
Amount donated as of 31st of October 2023
Thank you for your continuous support and generosity.
The Knights of Columbus Alberta/NWT State Council is hold- ing an online 50-50 draw in support of educational institutions, churches, community charities and youth and senior activities across the province. The minimum prize will be $20,000, draw date is Nov 23rd 2024. Tickets are available at www.koc5050.com. When purchasing please select 05010 St. Anne Morinville in the support of drop down box AGLC li- cence 697375.
Want to show your support, while simultaneously spreading the image of our new Parish? Each Sunday at the 9 am Mass, the fundraising committee is selling t-shirts for $25. $10 from each shirt goes to the rebuild. Please contact Lisa St. Onge at 780-984 -4904 if you have any questions, or if you want to order, or at- tend Mass at a different time.
The Sunday Missals are at the gym for a cost of $5.00. There are also Advent and Christmas Reflection books for $5.00. There will be a box for these items that you can put the cash or cheque in. Also the Lector workbooks are available for a cost of $15.00 there is an envelope beside the books that you can put the money or cheque in.
The Catholic Women’s League is holding a Food Bank Collec-
tion on Saturday October 26th and Sunday October 27th
2024. All donations of non-perishable food accepted. Please
check the expiry dates.
Thank you from the Catholic Women’s Leage.